Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers has hosted an online auction of an FT-3 Utility trailer for over a decade, donating 100% of the winning bid to the selected nonprofit organization. Felling Trailers’ goal is to bring awareness to various local nonprofits that are making a difference and choosing a new beneficiary each year. Previous Trailer for a Cause auctions have raised over $50,000 for nonprofit organizations such as: ACT on ALZ-Alzheimer’s, Lymphoma Research Foundation, Minnesota Firefighters Foundation, Eagle’s Healing Nest, Pockets of Hope.

Felling Trailers, Inc. names Backing the Blue Line as the beneficiary of the twelfth annual 2024 Trailer for a Cause auction.
The Felling Trailers’ employees selected Backing the Blue Line as the 2024 Trailer for a Cause auction beneficiary. “For several years, we put the decision of selecting the benefitting organization in the hands of our team members in the form of a vote. A list of organizations and corresponding information is given to team members to select from,” said Brenda Jennissen, President/CEO of Felling Trailers.
About Backing the Blue Line: Police Wives of Minnesota
Backing the Blue Line (BtBL) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the law enforcement community in Minnesota. BtBL supports the Minnesota law enforcement community by providing resources and emotional support to law enforcement officers and their families and serving as a positive voice in the community. Together, they are backing those who represent the thin blue line. Read More
Welch Backs the Blue with Winning Bid
A bid of $6,650.00 won the auction that ended the evening of Patriots Day, Sept. 11th. The bid winner was a follower and dedicated supporter of the annual Trailer for a Cause auctions, Joe Welch of Caledonia, MN. Joe, a construction and farm equipment dealer, was the bid winner in the 2022 auction that benefitted Eagle’s Healing Nest.
“I have followed the Trailer for a Cause auctions for about five years. The organizations the auctions benefit are very good ones. The Felling employees have chosen very good causes to support,” said Joe. “Being able to help with this support is very rewarding for me. We need these guys (law enforcement) out there; anyone that has to go to work with a bulletproof vest needs our support and respect.”
Two weeks after Joe had picked up the 2024 Trailer for a Cause, Backing the Blue Lines’ Gretchen Gifford, VP/Executive Board of Directors, accompanied by her husband, Officer Gifford, and son, made the trip to Sauk Centre to accept the donation check. The Giffords met with Felling Trailers’ Owners Brenda Jennissen and Bonnie Radjenovich to present them with the check for $6,650.
“There are a lot of great organizations out there. It is truly humbling to be the recipient of your fundraiser this year,” said Gretchen. “It’s been a tough couple of years for the law enforcement community; we’ve had five fallen officers in the last thirteen months.” Read more
2023 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its eleventh annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization: Pockets of Hope. A winning bid of $5,505.00 won the auction that ended at noon on Sept. 15th. The bid winner was Joe Kostreba of Sauk Centre, MN. One hundred percent of the $5,505 went to benefit Pockets of Hope! Read More
2022 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its tenth annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization Eagle’s Healing Nest. A winning bid of $7,752.00 won the auction that ended at noon on the 27th of August. The bid winner was Joe Welch of Caledonia, MN. Read More
2021 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its ninth annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization: the Minnesota Fire Fighters Foundation (MNFFF). A winning bid of $4850.99 won the auction that ended at 7 pm on the 20th-anniversary remembrance of 9/11, Saturday, Sept. 11th, 2021. The bid winner was Joe Kostreba of Sauk Centre, MN. Read More
2020 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its eighth annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization: the Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF). A winning bid of $4,650 won the online auction that ended at noon on World Lymphoma Awareness Day, Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 2020. The bid winner was Adam Seifert of Springfield, MN. Read More
2019 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its seventh annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization: Children’s Cancer Research Fund (CCRF). A bid of $4,500 won the online auction that closed on Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2019. The bid winner was Dan Zehnder of New Berlin, WI. Read More
2018 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its sixth annual online auction, Trailer for a Cause, of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization: Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA). The winning bid of $3,400 was placed in the last minutes before the auction closed on Friday, Sept. 21st, 2018. The bid winner was local Sauk Centre business owner Jon Stein, owner of Centre Dairy Equipment & Supply, Inc. Read More
2017 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its fifth annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization, Special Olympics Minnesota. The winning bid of $2,900 was placed just minutes before the auction closed on Thursday, Oct. 5th, 2017. The bid winner was a local contractor from Sauk Centre, Kevin Middendorf, owner of Middendorf Construction, LLC. Special Olympics Minnesota was very gracious to allow Felling Trailers to keep the donated funds local. The Special Olympics Golden Eagles team is comprised of participants from the Sauk Centre and Melrose, MN areas and the Young Athletes team of the Sauk Centre area,” said Brenda Jennissen, CEO of Felling Trailers, Inc. Read More
2016 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers, Inc. conducted its fourth annual online auction of an FT-3 drop deck utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization: American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). A winning bid of $2,250.00 won the auction that ended at noon on Nov. 11th. The bid winner was Patrick Stepan. One hundred percent of the $2,250 went to benefit the American Brain Tumor Association! Read More
2015 Trailer for a Cause
Felling Trailers wanted to bring awareness of and support to Alzheimer’s Disease and individuals affected by the disease. Thus, Felling Trailers manufactured and painted one of its most popular trailers Alzheimer’s purple and auctioned it online for 10 days during the month of October. READ MORE • ACTonALZ – Alzheimer’s
2014 Trailer for a Cause
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is the national organization creating hope in a comprehensive way through research, patient support, community outreach and advocacy for a cure. The organization is leading the way to increase the survival rate for people diagnosed with this devastating disease through a bold initiative—The Vision of Progress: Double Pancreatic Cancer Survival by 2020. READ MORE • PANCAN – Pancreatic Cancer
2013 Trailer for a Cause
Bright Pink is a national non-profit organization that focuses on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women while also providing support for high-risk individuals. Bright Pink is passionate about enlightening and empowering young women to be proactive with their breast and ovarian health. Bright Pink offers a variety of programs and services and community outreach initiatives. READ MORE • Bright Pink – Breast Cancer
For more information on Trailer for a Cause feel free to contact us!