Felling Trailers has been proudly manufacturing trailers for over 45 years. Join us as we take a look back and see how much our company, along with our employees, has grown. Many of you may already know the story of how Felling Trailers started as a small fabrication shop in downtown Sauk Centre in 1974. Continuing to add to this story, we invite you to read our “Grow with Us Series – 30.” Here you will meet the people of Felling; we will share a bit about the people who have played a part in what our company is today and where we will be tomorrow. Some of the people you will meet have been with us for many years, some decades, and others are starting their careers. To continue our series, we want you to meet Harrison Wallace, Loader – Logistics Felling Trailers, Inc., Litchfield.
Meet Harrison
Harrison Wallace
Loader at Felling Trailers
Name: Harrison Wallace
Status: 8 years
Title: Loader
Harrison joined the Felling Trailers’ team in the spring of 2015 and recently celebrated eight years with the company this April. Harrison started his career with Felling Trailers as a part of the Loading Logistics Team in Litchfield. Before his time with Felling, Harrison had worked mainly in food & pharmaceuticals as well as mental health care in the southeastern United States. “I moved to Minnesota after leaving the military; I worked in the food and pharma industry in Cannon Falls, MN, then moved to the Litchfield area and continued in that line of work at North Star Processing,” said Harrison.
“The majority of my forklift experience came from warehouse and construction jobs I held before moving to Minnesota.”
– Harrison Wallace
As a Loader for Felling’s Litchfield location, Harrison works with the Shipping and Loading Supervisor to ensure that completed trailers are safely and securely loaded onto semi-trailers to be delivered to dealers. Harrison is given load-out slips for each load, which entails what the loading team needs to construct daily. The trailers are then pulled and staged so they can be promptly loaded when the transport companies arrive in the shipping yard. The number of trailers on a load can vary depending on a trailer’s shape, size, and drop point. The completed trailers are loaded and stacked using forklifts by shipping priority and offloading sequence. The completed shipping load is balanced using blocks and loading stands and secured with chains and load straps. Then the trailers are ready to start the journey to their destination. Felling Trailers has an expansive dealer network that spans across the United States and into Canada. In Harrison’s eight years with the company, he has likely loaded trailers that have been delivered to the bulk of the 50 states.
Keeping Things in Order
Aside from loading trailers to be shipped to dealers, Harrison also assists with offloading incoming freight, such as steel and axles needed to build the trailers he will ship in the future. He also maintains the yard and stages the finished trailers in an orderly fashion until it is time to ship them. Felling’s Litchfield location builds many of the drop deck tilt trailers (pan, IT-I, and EZ tilts), drop-deck I trailers, along with utility pole trailers.
When asked why Harrison chose Felling to be where he worked, he said, “Honestly, I enjoy the people; my co-workers make the job fun and interesting. Some days are better than others, but the moods are generally good.” Loaders work through all the seasons Minnesota can throw at them throughout the year, from sunshine to rain, to cold and snow.
Since Harrison joined the Felling Trailers Litchfield team in 2015, he has seen and been a part of much of the company’s growth.
“We barely look like the same company, which is a great thing, change is necessary for growth, and the company has grown. Our trailer line has grown and changed as our focus has changed. We’ve also grown through acquisitions and partnerships with other trailer manufacturing companies.”
– Harrison Wallace
We are glad to have Harrison as part of our team. Thank you, Harrison!
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This is the thirtieth feature in our “Grow with Us” series. Read the other stories about Tim Bell, Senior Machine Operator, Juan Juarez, Lead Painter, Robby Horn, Lead Welder Night Shift, Josh Meyer, Maintenance Technician, Chris Senger, Senior Material handler, Ron Funk, Machinist, Johnny Woodman, Lead Welder, Lloyd Shoutz, Maintenance Technician, Warren Weber, Product Manager, Scott Brown, Parts & Service Supervisor, Jim Robischion, Accounting Coordinator, Wade Skillings, Lead Machine Operator, Jacob Meyer, Inside Trailer Sales, Bob Vangstad, (retired) Painter, Chad Steinhofer, Lead Welder, Benji Hudalla, Final Inspector, Nathan Uphus, Sales, Sheri Leonard, Human Resource & Safety Coordinator, Greg Waletzko, (retired) Quality Assurance Manager at Felling Trailers, and Kristie Moritz, Scheduling Coordinator.
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